Friday, August 8, 2008

Mr. Milky

(Scroll down for NEW SATURDAY UPDATE!)
My name is Milky ... and I'm a mess ...
Even I don't know where I came from, but I decided a few days ago to live on Artsy Catsy's front porch because I was starving and sick with sores and bald patches all over me. Rumor in the 'hood is that these human artists will take in all creatures great and small. See - no matter how dirty and stinky and infected I am, they cuddle me on the front porch glider ... First they treated me for fleas, then they gave me my name, Mr. Milky, because of my "Got milk?" moustache (but my runny, infected eyes keep drooling on my handsome moustache.) :-( And they don't mind that my swollen, infected front paws make bloody footprints all over their porch. My humans say my paws smell rotten and they're very worried about them, but they love on me anyway.I'm so happy that some beans are finally taking care of me that I keep kneading the air with my paws, no matter how much it hurts.

Today at 4:30 the human artists are taking me to the vet to get tests and treatments and see if he can make me well and handsome again. And if he thinks he can, then I'm getting a hoohaectomy, because my hoo-hahs are all swollen and hurty. I'm going to ask him if I can have a bath, too, because I'm SO filthy and crusty!

I know you don't know me very well, but I'm an okay guy - or at least I will be soon - and I'm wondering if I can ask you a favor? My timing wasn't very good - I was desperate - so I moved in to Artsy Catsy when their green papers were kinda short. They're not comfortable asking for help, so I'm asking for them. If anyone could spare just one or two green papers toward my vet bills, you can help me pay my own way, and I think it would make my new humans so happy and grateful!

I can't type yet because of my rotten paws, but Rocky agreed to put up a PayPal donation button for me (even though he doesn't like me at all.) Thank you so much - even just a few cents will mean so much to me and my adoptive humans! And I'll have Rocky update you as soon as I get home from the vet.

Update Sat. Aug. 9:

Dr. Shew says even though I still have some fever, I'm responding to antibiotics and feeling better! I won't get tested for FIP and leukemia until Monday because he's focusing on my infection and my poor feet, but he thinks chances are slim I'll test positive because I'm getting better. He just wants me to rest and recover over the weekend.

He says my front feet are so damaged it might require surgery, but he'll have a better idea about that by Monday. He isn't certain what might have happened to my feet, but he's wondering if there's a chance they might have been burned. I don't remember, because I'm trying to forget my past life, now that I've found out there's such a miraculous thing as loving humans and kitties who care about me and are helping with my vet bills and would never, never, ever abuse or neglect me or any other kitty ever again!

Monday is going to be a big day for me. Besides having a better idea about what it will take to get my feet well, and getting more tests, I'm also getting wormed and bathed and cleaned up ... and I might even get to go back to Artsy Catsy if I don't have to have surgery!

Thank you all SO much for helping me!

Update 5:15 p.m. Fri. Aug. 8 (dictated by Mr. Milky to Rocky by phone) ...

I've been admitted to the vet hospital for this weekend. Nice Dr. Shew said I had a high fever and probably infection throughout my system from my foot pads and my eyes. My toe pads are horribly infected, swollen three times their normal size with no skin on them at all. Dr. Shew also said my front legs are deformed from malnutrition and that the areas where my furs have turned brown are from malnutrition and sun exposure.

He's going to give me massive amounts of antibiotics and other medications and treat my poor feet over the weekend, plus run blood tests and also test me for feline leukemia, FIP and other diseases. Dr. Shew says I'm not a young kitty, but I'm not geriatric either, but I've had a terrible life so far, and if he can get all the infection cleared up, he might be able to save me for a better life the rest of my years!

Thank you, thank you, thank you everyone for helping me out - This is the first time in my life that anyone has ever cared about me! xoxoxo


Tybalt said...

Oh, MILKY!!!!!

My mommy's green papers are always short, but once she checks them over for the month if she can spare a few of them you can BET she will help you out, buddy!

I'm purring and purring and purring for you!

snowforest said...

Milky you iz such a lovely boy ~ we wish we could help..but we can't sign up for Paypal from here in we iz sending you lots of purrs instead..

Anonymous said...

Poor Milky. My Mum is in love with you. She has a soft spot for cats in a terrible state. She says we can make a little donation to help you out. I hope the vets can get you right again fella.

Parker said...

Dr. Milky,
I have asked my mommy and she agrees, we are gonna' help!
Keep the button up and next Friday we will help! I hope the VET gets you all fixed up and healthy and clean. My Mommy is "taken" with you. I don't know what that means, but I think you're pretty cool - crust and all!

Carolina Cats said...

Wow, what a grate milk 'stache! Mom sed you like yore smiling too. I bet it's cos you fownd such grate beans and cats to take care of you. You won't find a better bunch than Rocky & his fambly. We sent some green papers to help owt. We sure hope you get feeling better reel kwik.

Hugs & purrs,
Finny Buddy & Jasmine

Daisy said...

Oh Mr. Milky, I think you came to the right place! I can tell you will be very handsome when you are all fixed up. We made a little donation.

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

Poor Milky! We are sending purrs and some green papers.

Anonymous said...

My Mom made a donation. You found folks with good hearts, Milky. We hope the v.e.t. can make you all better.


Astrid (…and the kitties too) said...

hi milky,
we helped too and wrote to Rocky so he knows. you are a very sweet guy even with your hurty eyes and swollen paws. We are sure the VET will fix you in no time and we just know that the artsy catsy peoples are very nice ones. you will love them!
purrrs Kashim and Othello

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh Milky, our mom sent some green papers but more importantly we is saying lots of purrayers dat da vet can fix yoo up and make yoo all better. Yoo saw dem signs dat is only visible to us aminals about who is da ones dat will help and found a good place.

Sunny's Mommy said...

I made a donation. I hope that soon you'll be healthy.

Victor Tabbycat said...

Dad's goin back to school, but Mom said we can spare sumfing fur cute Milky. It'll say Slambo but dat's mine Dad.
I's had 3 bafs an they's yucky, but the snuggles afterwards are furry nice! Purrs

Lux said...

Oh, Mr. Milky, bless your little heart - you went to the right house! We made a small donation.

Here's sending lots of good vibrations to you in the vet's office this weekend.

Sweet Purrfections said...

Oh, poor Mr. Milky. You knew the right place to come to for acceptance and help. Mom said she is going to check our green papers and will try to make a small donation!

Anonymous said...

You're such a handsome boy, even with all your sicknesses. We're sending Mega Purrs for your full recovery. We bet the Lady will put up an item or two from the PawPoints to auction to help you. We're gonna ask her right now.

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Mr. Milky, you don't worry any about your vet bills. Deb and I will get a raffle going right away.
Please, you just concentrate on getting well, okay.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Mr. Milky, Meowm says we can't send a donation right away, but we will get one on its way to you within the next two weeks! Hang in there and fight, you are in good hands!

We are sending lots of purrs your way!

Junior and Orion

Jans Funny Farm said...

You really know how to make a group teary, don't you? Someone should care about you. And now someone does. What a terrible life you've had. We hope the treatment will help you get better so you can come home.

choink said...

hi there,

oh Mr Milky, what a babe, thank goodness he found you! I really hope the vet can sort you out and get you feeling better soon. Josh and I will send some donation green papers but because we're in the uk they'll be more brown, blue, red papers!

Mickey's Musings said...

Whtat a cute little kitty fending for himself :( How feral,I wonder when he is so friendly. Purrs for Mr Milky and you guys for helping :)
Purrs Mickey

Daisy said...

Oh Mr. Milky, please hang on and get better so you can have the happy life that you deserve!

Anonymous said...

Mr Milky,

The mom says you is cute and she finks you couldnt has found a better place with loving beans! We shall purr hard so that you will be okay to go to your furever home soon..

~ Molly ~

Moki The Wobbly Cat said...

Hi Mr. Milky,

We just sent an email to Deb and ML to see if we can help out in anyway. We don't have any green papers to give, but we will be sending you lots of purrs and helping in whatever other ways we can!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We hafta wonder just where yoo came from...haf yoo lived out in da world all yoor life or were yoo some mean purrsons pet and dey abandoned yoo. Did yoo sneak out and get lost...was someone looking fur yoo and gave up believing yoo were gone furever? What ever yoor story is yoo found a place dat will take care of yoo and if der is anything dat can be done it will be. We is purring fur yoo to heal up and find out just how wunnerful life in a furever home can be.

Just Ducky said...

Purrs to you Milky that the VET can help you out and make you feel better. I will have to bug mum about her green paper situation.

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

KC said...
i's just made a donation, too. you's won mine mommie's heart, jus like effurryone else.
we's in tha planning stages but we'll -- Karen, Crystal, Deb an me -- get a raffle or two going fur you. you's got ta get better and feel good. Specially those pawsies. Ouch.
Love and purrs,

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

Dear sweet Milky... We dont have any money ta sends... but Mawmee iz cryin fur you.

We purr fur you sweet baybee.

you gets bettur now.

Bootsie Woo
savedid frum a salvage yard.

Anonymous said...

OMG poor little guy, he must have been in so much pain.
Wez donated a little as momma has already donated to other places more than wez could affords really but momma says that you should put up like a graph or goal or aim type thingy so peoplez know how much left you needz and can help out when dey getz paid etc, more if they can :)
Wez aren't the puuraying kind but we are sending so much light and loves to you to help wit your healing. :)

Karen Jo said...

Oh, Milky, you poor little fellow. I am sending you a few green papers and lots of good wishes and prayers. You picked the right place to find someone to help you. I hope the vet can fix you right up so you can come home.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh that is so sad Milky! I think your life might finally be turning around though!

Anonymous said...

Oh Mr Milky, I am so glad that you are in the right place to get help for your nasty infections. It will probably be a rough few days for you, but each day you will be feeling a bit better. You have been through such a terrible time you really deserve to get well and have a good life surrounded by love. We send you big rumbly purrs to help you recover.

Whicky Wuudler, Oliver, Angel, Gerry & Jane

Motor Home Cats said...

Mr. Milky, we wish with all our hearts that we could help with the green papers, but Mom doesn't go back to work for a couple of weeks, and doesn't get paid for another month. We will purr for you all we can and if we can scrape some money together for you we will send it. We hope you get healed fast because we know you hit the motherlode as far as homes are concerned. Those people you found spoil their cats rotten.

Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Oh sweet little critter, how darling you are! You were giuded to the right spot for getting help that is for sure. I will give some of my lunch money for your ouchies right now. Please do get better real soon and enjoy the love of good artsy catsy folks! I know they will find youa good furrrrever home....right where you are probably!
Sending much love from Miss Peach

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Mr. Milky, you are adorable. Don't worry, we can help you with the green papers!!!

Love, Auntie Deb

Nomi said...

Hang in there little buddy. I can see you are a beautiful cat in the making.

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh Mr Milky, hang in there. The Artsy Catsy gang is wonderful and caring and you will get all fixed up we can help you wif some green papers too.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the 2nd update Mr Milky. Me, Mum and the others are so glad you are responding to the medicine. Your poor feets! Maybe you walked through something corrosive? You take it easy, put your feets up and rest fella. Sending you rumbly purrs and love x

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Mr. Milky we are so sad for your poor little feet. We hope the V E T can make you all better. We can't send any money at the moment but we will be able to after the 21st if that is okay. We are sending you purrs and (((hugs))) and praying for you in the meantime.

Anonymous said...

we're so glad to hear the Saturday update, and we hope the news just keeps getting better. (we sent our Lady in to work (overtime) today to get some extra $$ to help you)

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Milky, we are ever so glad to hear that your news is mostly positive! YEAH!

Victor Tabbycat said...

O poor Milky! I can't magine what yur old life was like, but you can relax an eat well an get better now an NO ONE will hurt you efur agin! Maybe you escaped frum abuse or sumone freed you frum abuse or, gosh, I just can't magine. But yur safe now, among furiends, so just keep gettin better. Purrs!

choink said...

So glad to hear your news today Mr Milky and that you're responding to treatment

Astrid (…and the kitties too) said...

our momma's eyes are leaking to read your story and what the Vet found out but she is also leaking happy tears that you found the kindest people at Artsy Catsy and they will take care of you we just know that!
If we can spare some more green papers we will give it to you and the artsy catsy humans to make you feel better and do all the surgery and tests needed.

Meowers from Missouri said...

we's furry glad to know you has been to see the betterinarian (acause that's just what they're gonna do for you there--make you better), an' that your treatment has begun. our mom has sended our laundry money (when she finds it inna laundry machine, we gets to spend it) an' somma her own so the kind beans can help you.

yes, milky, there are beans who love all kitties, an' you has landed in a nest of 'em! we purrs an' purrrays that you gets to stay, acause they will see to mending you as good as can be done, an' gif you a happy life in exchange for the old one. now no one will efur hurt you again!!

we loves you an' blesses you, milky, an' bless The One who noodged you to go stay on artsy catsy's doorstep.

purrs & best fishes from
nels, ed, nitro, & xing lu

soft hugs & pettin from meower mom

Anonymous said...

Poor Mr Milky!

We made a donation. All nine of us are hard-luck cats...but we got well and you can too! luv and purrrrrrrrrsss

Grayce, Kona, Sweet Pea, Rupert, Johnson, C.C., Scout, Felix & The Baby

Daisy said...

Hooray! I am so very happy to read that Mr. Milky is responding to the antibiotics. I was very worried.

Keep up the good work, Milky!

Mickey's Musings said...

Mr Milky, it is so good to hear that you are feeling better!!!! I hope you continue to do so over the weekend and come Monday are ready for a bath and some real pampering! I hope the Vet can fix your feets without surgery. Either way, you will be feeling better soon because lots of kitties are purring for you!!

Purrs Mickey

Charlemagne and Tamar said...

Mr. Milky,

We're so glad you found your way to the really nice Artsy Catsy people and that you are getting help. Our momma sent some green papers to help and we're sending lots of purrs. Get to feeling better soon, okay?

Charlemagne and Tamar

Samantha & Mom said...

Oh Milky, we are purrring and purraying for you! Mom says we can send some green papers next week! We are so glad you found Arty Catsy and that the vet can help you!
Your FL Furiends,

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh Mr Milky, we is very happy that you are starting to feel better and the med-i-k-shuns is werking!!! WOOO HOOO!!! Please hang in there!! We hopes that the v-e-t can fix up your feetsies. we is sending lots of purrsss your way

The Florida Furkids said...

Good news that you're responding. We hope your poor little feetsies get better soon. We're sending some green papers right now.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Anonymous said...

Hang in there, guy!

Mycah, Kismet and Packet send their regards and best wishes.

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Oh Mr Milky I am os glad that news is good so far from the betterinarien! You get better and rest ove this weekend now....lots of love to you from Miss Peach

Joey said...

Welcome to Mr. Milky! I think that you have found the right porch to hang out on. You sure do look skinny, but I was really skinny when I came to my house too. And now I am a big healthy cat. I asked my lady to send you some green stuff. Us at the Pablo Fan Club headquarters are sending lots of purrs for you to get better.

Also, Rocky! I gave you a COOL CAT award today. Please come and check it out.

The Misadventures Of Me said...

We founded The Moms secret paypal account and gived you some green papers Mr Milky! Hurry home to Artsy Catsy and be well my friend.

~ Shadow and Molly ~

Kaz's Cats said...

Mr Milky, we're purring hard for you to get better real quick so you can go home to Artsy Catsy - you definitely found the right place to land. We hope you don't have to have any surgery, but we know that you'll be in good hands anyway when you're in recovery.

hugs and purrs

Gypsy & Tasha

Max said...

Hmmm...I thought I commented yesterday but I mighta been in too big a hurry to go get the Woman to look at the computer so she could get all weepy about you.

I hope things go your way, Mr. Milky...and that you get to be a part of the cat blogosphere forever!

Anonymous said...

We just sent you some Milk Money! That poor little guy deserves a whole lot more than he's seen in his life and we sure want to help him feel better! Blessings and purrs.

Gandalf, Grayson & Mom Barb

Tesla and Hansel said...

hai kitteh! I hopes yoo will be good affer da dr. tak good look at yoos. I hope yoor feets will be oks.

Meh an mommeh will try to gib yoo sum monies!

Tesla and Hansel said...

i lef yoo sumtin special at my blog

Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

Poor Milky. We are purring hard that the vet doctor can help you feel all better fast. We're glad furriends can help out with green papers too, since Mom Sharolyn doesn't have much of them. We will purr hard even more that you feel better fast.
Mini and The Hotties

Pee Ess. Oh gosh, I meant to say fanks for joining WCB this week even though you're not feeling good. Fanks!

Beethoven said...

Hello Mr Milky! I hope the vet makes you all ok soon! I is going to get mine Mummy to click the donate button immediately! Tell us how you're doing again soon!

Anonymous said...

Please accept a small donation in gratitude for all the good you do. Reading the Artsy Catsy blog is something I always look forward to! Our Best to Milky!
From Caroline and my Feline Five

Anonymous said...

I wish I could donate more to help out with Mr Milky, but I made my bean donate every penny she had in her paypal account.

Anonymous said...

酒店經紀PRETTY GIRL 台北酒店經紀人 ,酒店經紀 酒店兼差PRETTY GIRL酒店公關 酒店小姐 彩色爆米花酒店兼職,酒店工作 彩色爆米花禮服店, 酒店上班,酒店工作 PRETTY GIRL酒店喝酒酒店上班 彩色爆米花台北酒店酒店小姐 PRETTY GIRL酒店上班酒店打工PRETTY GIRL酒店打工酒店經紀 彩色爆米花

Anonymous said...
