1) The fireplace is off limits during office hours! I spend 24/7 working on all kinds of S.H.I.T. and what happens? Some human slacker stokes up a fire and I lose an entire day of productivity from getting my head caught in the firewood tongs, leaving soot stains all over my white shirt. Eyes glazed with stress, I'm then forced to interrupt my busy schedule to break the tongs, chew the fireplace broom to ribbons and have a shampoo. All fireplace perks are hereby rescinded.
2) Now, people, what is our company name? ARTsyCatsy. What is our mission? ART. You human artists were brought on board for two reasons: a) to serve the catstaff's every need; and b) to produce ART! Therefore, no more personal phone calls, no surfing the Web, no extended lunches, and all vacations are cancelled until further notice. All humans are to get back to their drawing boards at once. What's that? ... oh, our human artist Suzanne would like to point out that she has produced three more portraits ... let's see them, Suzanne ... 

Now, people, hustle, hustle, get back to work!
Yoo reely told them, B.I.G.S.H.I.T.! hehehe I putted your linky on the noo Cat Blogosphere bloggy tooday. Yall are fun!
Wow - you're running a tight ship there, but your homan employee is pumping out some great work!
such beautiful pikshurs! Hi guys!!
This is so funny, B.I.G. S.H.I.T. Too cute. Love the pictures, too, very talented.
Those are some very beautiful portraits!
That Suzanne is doing an excellent job! Your policies are very fair and I hope you can keep your staff in line. You're doing an excellent job so far, B.I.G. S.H.I.T.
Hi ArtsyCatsy! Thanks for posting on my blog. It's great to meet new furiends. I would love to exchange links! Those are beautiful portraits you have. Wish we had one of us.
o, artsycatsy, luks like u's reely gotted ur's S.H.I.T. togeffer fur tha noo yeer.
duhr ... i left a comment den i coulden't reed da code!
i am laffin an laffin! dat iz funnee stuff fer me to reed.
suzanne iz a grate artist.
now let'z see if i can send dis to u.
ok ... i tride two timez to send u a comment an da code iz gettin in da way.
i sed dat i'm laffin an laffin an dat suzanne iz a grate artist.
da comment miteuv been better da first two timez.
B.I.G. S.H.I.T. I love it! ha ha ha. My mommy worked for one of those...
You keep a close eye on those humans. I try to put my mommy to work updating my bloggy and all she does is web surf. You Tube hasn't helped either.
Mommy wants Fracas to give her some good tips for getting reved up on her New Year's resolution to be healther. Yes, it is vague isn't it??? Intentionally I think....
So, yer CEO is a B.I.G. S.H.I.T. huh. Well, maybe he needs to come git our mom to work on our stuff. She is furry lax about taking care of our stuff. Grate pikshers, duz Suzanne do pawtrates frum pikshers?
Keep those humans in their place, sometimes they get above themselves. Faz p.s. I added you to my links so other cats can see your art.
Hi Rocky and the other arty kitties!
thank you for visiting our human's bloggie, she has put your link up on there.
there are some lovely paintings on here, we especially like the beautiful meezer portraits! big purrrrrs from Ning and Sirkit
Hi guys!
You sound like a fun bunch! I like those jumping pictures. My Lady is an artist and a geek too.
Wow, you guys really must run a tight ship to get along so well. It is HARD keeping humans in line but obviously you have a great system for it. I can't wait to learn more!
(I added your linkie to all of our blogs!)
Hello Rocky. Thanks for visiting my blog. I'd be very happy to trade links with you.
You have some exceptionally artsy stuff going on there. My humans are artsy too, but in a different way. My dad is artsy with wood and fire, and my mom is artsy with her yarns, spinning wheels, and loom.
And welcome to the Cat Blogosphere!
WOW...those are awesome portraits! I have sucky People, they couldn't draw a stick figure to save their lives...
The portraits are beautiful. Keep running a tight ship B.I.G. S.H.I.T.
Those are such lovely portraits! We love them! What a cool blog. We'll definitely be linking to you!
Hi Rocky, and ofher artsy cats. Fanks furrz visiting our bloggie today. We finks you runz a vurry tight ship as well. Maybe youz can get our meowmize moving about updating our pic-fers. We would love to swap linkies with youz.-Snowy
HI Rocky and ofur kitties...wow...dose are sum nice pixchurs dat Suzanne painted. Furry nice kitties. Momma had an oil painting done of me dis year. She is so proud of it. I dunno Y? But, she loves it. Fank yu fur bisitin our bloggie we always lub new bisitors and makin noo furfriends!
Abby & da gang
We really like your site and are flattered that you would like to exchange linkies. We will gladly add you to our links.
We agree - you run a tight ship! Suzanne's pictures are beautiful. Thanks for visiting our blogs and we are putting your link on, OK?!
China Cat & Willow
(We're not sure if this worked the first time, sorry if it's a duplicate.)
Thanks for visitin' us! Good job keepin' the humans on task, and the portraits are beautiful! We'll get our Mom to add your link to our blog this weekend!
Cute blog! Now that my Agent has recovered from her "bronchitis" (I still maintain she was faking...), we'll have to come and take a good look around!
Thanks for the invite to do so!
Hi, Rocky - thanks for the invite to your blog - tell your bean that she's a very good artist! Those portraits are beautiful! We like them very much. Maybe we can talk our bean into doing something like that - she says she's artsy but doesn't break out the pencils very often. Probably cause we chew on them.
Hi ya kitties!! Thanx fur stopin bye my bloggie. My mommy iz an artist too.
She wikes ta do pen and ink drawings. She say dat you gotz some creative purrsonz dehr. Dohz are very purrtie pic-shurez.
How you sellz all dem purrtee pic-shurez? Momma say she gonna check your webbie out.
I go sleepi on da moneetur now.
bye bye.
Katie Ann Kitty II
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