AACKHHK!! My human is tryin' to strangle me!! Yeah, she calls it chin squiggles to make up for squirting toxic waste down my throat (she calls it antibiotics) and squeezing rancid slime in my ears (she calls it medicinal ointment). But there's only one way she can make it up to me for this mistreatment:

Yeah, yeah, I know I have to do this so my ears will get better, but I don't have to LIKE it, do I? She says the inside of my ears look like blue cauliflower, and abusing me like this twice a day will keep them from getting worse. Other than doing a kangaroo impersonation and leaping all over the house after she dumps stuff in my orifices, and then boxing my cat staff in frustration, I'm trying to put up with it.
And I try to look on the bright side. I'm a tough guy like my namesake, Rocky Balboa, so I guess it's only fitting that I have cauliflower ears. But much more of this abuse and, Yo Adrian, this Italian Stallion is outta this house of torture and headin' to Italy to live with Tiffany, Fred & Holly!!
Good job Rocky, you can do it! You have the Eye of the TIGER! I am very proud of you.
Oh, Rocky, we must learn how to read the phone book! I feel for you, man.
But I hope you feel better soon!
I am glad to hear the v-e-t found out some treatment for your ears, Rocky! You will just have to put up with it I'm afraid, the humans think they are doing it for your own good!
Rocky, I know, it sucks big-time, but after the medicine starts to work - oh, sorry, toxic waste and rancid slime, your ears should feel tuna-boat loads better! I hope you enjoyed getting to stick your WHOLE HEAD in that bag of food! I'd love it if Daddy would let me do that. I bet that smelled like kitty heaven! Hang in there champ - you're a fighter, I can tell!
Rocky, Rocky, Rocky...Come on now and be a good boy! Your Mom went through a lot to make sure you got the help you needed to get well! It will be over soon! I KNOW you'll get treats, if you are a good boy!
Toxic waste and rancid slime, indeed. :) Be a man Rocky, you know it makes sense!
Rocky, sounds like you are already feeling a bit better, back to your tough, spunky self! I know all that yucky squirty stuff in places where it doesn't belong is no fun, and you don't need to like it, just tolerate it. We are all pulling for you!
I know that the treatment stinks, Rocky, but it will make your ears feel better eventually. Hang in there and get all well.
Toxic waste and rancid slime? Is that what the VET said to use? I hope I don't end up with that problem.
We're so happy you're going to get better after the horrible slime stuff. I know is stinks but if it makes you better...
Rockers :) It's all a part of getting better :) Say, that photo of you with your boxing shorts on? S-E-X-Y. The one with your head in a bag, don't breath in man :) Love Cato
Hang in there, Rocky. You're one tough kittie, you should be able to handle a little rancid slime.
Good to know you're getting back to the old Rocky.
Humans are so weird. Good thing you're tough enough to put up with them.
We're So happy to hear that your condition is treatable, Rocky.
just trust your people this time, they love you!
Cauliflower ears? Uck. Good luck with the meds!
Luf, Us
Good luck with all that Rocky!
Thank you for your kind words and thoughts ~DKM
Rocky, so sorry to hear that taking the medication is a pain. You are a very tough, brave cat.
As for me, well Sphynx get used to having their ears cleaned regularly, being bathed weekly, and having their nails trimmed a lot, from the time we are young kittens, so it becomes rather commonplace. (That still doesn't mean I enjoy it, but I don't put up too much of a fight.) If you've never had it done, and all of a sudden you need to have your ears messed with, then I can see it being even more uncomfortable! At least I'm accustomed to it.
Although it's a pain, be good to your human. We all want your ears to feel better, and what she's doing will help that!
Many healing purrs being sent your way.
Hang in there, Rocky! Great news on your diagnosis. Sorry about the cauliflower...
Oh yuck! I hope that you don't have to do that for too long!
Hey you know what?.... it could be worse. It could be your hiney. Oh the indignity of it all.
You are a champ, Rocky
You get knocked down and you come right back out POW POW!!
Oh Rocky, you poor little puff.
I am so sorry.
I hate to see you suffer.
Oh dear Wocky, that wooks pwetty uncomfortable! But do bear with it! Bwue cauwifwower ears are not vewy handsome you know!
Hang in there, Rocky! You've got to set a good example for your staff, you know.
Rocky, you gotta take your medicine, even if you hate it. Everyone wants you to get better!
Your friend
Misty E
I'm furry sorry 'bout yur ears an' the medicine. But iffen it means a whole bag of treats to yurself, then it can't be that bad!
I hope you're feeling a *little better about things!
We are so glad that you are doing better and that you got great news! I know how you feel about getting 'treatments' but it is going to make your ears feel a whole lot better. And you'll get some treats too!
Go Rocky Go. I hope you don't have to put up with this medicine stuff for too long. FAZ
Now this is some good work with photoshop ;)
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