Friday, January 30, 2009
Rock the Vote!
Candidate Rocky: The polls will close soon, and it appears that I'm losing in a landslide for Coco. I humbly ask for your last-minute vote ... but please be assured that Coco has reached across the aisle for my help should she win this election. Maybe she'll choose me as her CatVice President ... since I have lots of vices!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Worrisome Wednesday
Rocky: My Campaign Manager Fracas and I are taking a break from the campaign trail (Phfftht! Catpolitics are exhausting!) to rest awhile and rev up some purrs & purrayers for our friends and for our mom, too ...
We're so worried about our good friend Moki who, in his ongoing struggles, is very sick right now with both urinary and upper respiratory problems. And he'll soon be seeing a specialist to be tested for Systemic Lupus Erythematosis, a rare disorder in cats. Please, everyone, join in the purring & purraying for Moki!
Kashim and his family need our purrs & purrayers, too. Kashim burned his paws on a hotplate and is all bandaged up and in pain. And then last night Kashim and Othello's Awesome Man's 3-month old niece died, a terrible tragedy. Please keep them in your thoughts and purrayers.
And our mom has been sick. She's been having nasty sinus problems, then her blood pressure went haywire and the human vet put her on blood pressure medicine. Do you think if I give her some biteys to release some of that blood it will help lower her pressure?

Kashim and his family need our purrs & purrayers, too. Kashim burned his paws on a hotplate and is all bandaged up and in pain. And then last night Kashim and Othello's Awesome Man's 3-month old niece died, a terrible tragedy. Please keep them in your thoughts and purrayers.
And our mom has been sick. She's been having nasty sinus problems, then her blood pressure went haywire and the human vet put her on blood pressure medicine. Do you think if I give her some biteys to release some of that blood it will help lower her pressure?
Friday, January 23, 2009
Rocky for Purresident!
Rocky: I am bringing my executive experience to bear and answering Misha's challenge. I humbly stand before you today to announce my candidacy for Purresident. I ask for your support ... because with an insubordinate staff like mine, I could sure use the undying loyalty and adoration from kittehs all over the world for the next 4 years!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Support Sammy the Cat
Rocky: Fellow felines, we must band together and support one of our brothers in need! Sammy, the resident cat at the Notasulga, Alabama post office, has been evicted from his home because of a silly customer complaint that Sammy is not a taxpayer so he can't live on federal grounds ...
An outraged group of citizens has taken swift and decisive action to get Sammy back into his home -- they've bought Sammy the Cat his very own P.O. Box! We urge all citizens of the Cat Blogosphere to barrage his P.O. Box with letters of support and to protest Sammy's eviction ...
Sammy the Cat
P.O. Box 173
Notasulga, Alabama 36866
P.O. Box 173
Notasulga, Alabama 36866
Notasulga Alabama post office,
PO Box,
Sammy the Cat
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Callie: I want to thank you all so much for your purrs & purrayers. I think I'm feeling a bit better now, although I'm still taking it easy ...
I'm still not eating very much - mostly chicken baby food - but at least I'm keeping it down ... which isn't an easy thing to do when I have to look at this across the desk from me .....
Ach! Rocky-tocks!!

Monday, January 19, 2009
Worried Mancats Monday
Fracas: Rocky asked me to take over today because he's too worried to blog. I'm sitting here under the lamp trying to stay warm while I worry ...
... and Rocky has assumed his "stealth bomber" position while he worries ...
We're worrying & purring & purraying for Auntie Deb, who is having major spinal surgery this morning, and we hope you'll join us so she'll be safe and well again soon ...
Don't forget to go leave your good wishes for Auntie Deb on KC's blog so she can read them when she comes home from the hospital!
We're also worrying about our Callie. She's 19 years old now and has been losing weight for months now, even though she eats three times as much as the rest of us, but the vet can't find anything wrong. Last night she woke us up several times vomiting and now this morning she won't eat. That never happens - she usually wants to eat all the time. All she wants to do is sleep ...
She doesn't have a fever, but my mom says if she doesn't eat later today, she's going out in the snow and take Callie to the vet. In the meantime we're all worrying and worrying because if something happens to Callie, our poor mom is going to be devastated.
Could I ask all our friends to sit under lamps or assume stealth bomber positions and join us to send Callie some purrs and purrayers today so she'll get out of bed and start eating again?

We're also worrying about our Callie. She's 19 years old now and has been losing weight for months now, even though she eats three times as much as the rest of us, but the vet can't find anything wrong. Last night she woke us up several times vomiting and now this morning she won't eat. That never happens - she usually wants to eat all the time. All she wants to do is sleep ...
Could I ask all our friends to sit under lamps or assume stealth bomber positions and join us to send Callie some purrs and purrayers today so she'll get out of bed and start eating again?
Friday, January 16, 2009
Fantastic Cat Furniture!
Rocky: We just got our newsletter from some wonderful cat people that my human artists met last fall at the Indianapolis Cat Show, and I want to introduce them to you, because they're human artists, too!
Their cat Cody has a job as demanding as mine - he snoopervises the production of the most wonderful cat furniture you've ever seen, as well as an excellent web site and two different interesting blogs.
His company is Great Lakes Cat Furniture ... and just look at a couple of their many must-have cat trees ...
The Jack N Beanstalk ...

The Black Eyed Susan ...And they even have some that mount on the wall ...
Just look at how much kitties love them ...
I hope you'll go check out all the amazing cat trees and Kitty Kabinets on their web site, and also go meet Cody on their two very interesting blogs, Cat Tree Furniture Blog and Great Lakes Cat Furniture Blog. Lets give them a big Cat Blogosphere welcome ... and drool over their incredible cat trees ... MOM ... GET US ONE!!!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Temper Tantrum Tuesday
Rocky: AAARRGHH, it's enough to drive you to drink!! These humans are interfering with my blogging and they're driving me crazy ...
You would think their full-time job catering to my cat staff and serving as my blogging assistants would be enough for them, but no. The slackers keep finding other things to do ... such as this ...

Yes, they've moved a third human artist, their friend Jenny, into my corporate headquarters for me to manage. But I have to admit this could be a good thing. Jenny is a talented artist, videographer and musician, so I can think of all sorts of ways I can put her to work at Artsy Catsy.
And if that isn't enough, my mom has enrolled in classes at the local college, which means she's leaving me every Wednesday and Saturday! I definitely need a drink. She's studying web design and drawing. I mean, come on! She's a human artist, so why does she need to study design and drawing?? She says it's to brush up on her skills. I say the only thing around here that needs brushing up on is ME!
And besides that, she's spending time editing and illustrating a children's book written by her friend James. And one of the characters is a cat, Bungle the Glass Cat. But a good thing about this is we plan to offer pre-publication autographed copies of the book to our blogging friends sometime this year and donate a percentage of the proceeds to kitties who need help.
In the meantime, I'm trying to recover from all this change in my life and also get around to visit my blogging friends who probably don't even remember me by now. And I'm exhausted from herding cats & humans so I think I'll drown my sorrows in my own special bottle of wine ...

And if that isn't enough, my mom has enrolled in classes at the local college, which means she's leaving me every Wednesday and Saturday! I definitely need a drink. She's studying web design and drawing. I mean, come on! She's a human artist, so why does she need to study design and drawing?? She says it's to brush up on her skills. I say the only thing around here that needs brushing up on is ME!
And besides that, she's spending time editing and illustrating a children's book written by her friend James. And one of the characters is a cat, Bungle the Glass Cat. But a good thing about this is we plan to offer pre-publication autographed copies of the book to our blogging friends sometime this year and donate a percentage of the proceeds to kitties who need help.
In the meantime, I'm trying to recover from all this change in my life and also get around to visit my blogging friends who probably don't even remember me by now. And I'm exhausted from herding cats & humans so I think I'll drown my sorrows in my own special bottle of wine ...
Friday, January 2, 2009
'Twas a Week After Christmas ...
Rocky: 'Twas a week after Christmas and all through Artsy Catsy
finally the humans have stopped driving me batsy!!
It's been so long since I've been able to post, you may not even remember who I am! Well, I am the CEO, the BOSS, the BIG GUY, the ALPHA CAT ... who has been totally demoted to Mr. Omega Nobody by everything Christmas! But before I begin my Yuletide rant, let me wish all of my (remaining) friends a very belated ...

and a

and a
It all started out okay. My mom's daughter Tiffany got to come home from Italy to have Christmas with us, and I was glad to see her ...
... until she started practicing opera! She could only be with us for ten days, and she had to sing the lead role in Madame Butterfly just a few hours after she landed back in Rome on New Year's Day, so she practiced and practiced here and yikes! My EARS!!
But even so, I did get to use my executive skills to snoopervise Tiffany and cousin Jason in the decoration of our Christmas tree, which didn't get done until Christmas eve ...
But even so, I did get to use my executive skills to snoopervise Tiffany and cousin Jason in the decoration of our Christmas tree, which didn't get done until Christmas eve ...
After that, I was subjected to throngs of human friends and family parading in and out to see Tiffany and totally disrupting my schedule. All they did was talk, talk, talk and flash the flashy thing and do WAY too much of this ...
But do you see me on MY table?? NO!! They wouldn't let me up there! When it isn't the pesky holidays, I get on that table whenever I want! How dare they!
And then to make matters worse, my mom and Tiffany packed their bags and LEFT me for several days while they went to Indianapolis to visit even more humans before Tiffany went back to Italy. How dare they!
My mom finally got home last night, and tried to squish me into forgiving her ...
And then to make matters worse, my mom and Tiffany packed their bags and LEFT me for several days while they went to Indianapolis to visit even more humans before Tiffany went back to Italy. How dare they!
My mom finally got home last night, and tried to squish me into forgiving her ...
But I told her my forgiveness comes at a price, and here it is: As soon as she unpacked her overnight bag, I showed her the new CEO rules for packing her bag the next time she tries to leave me! ...
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