Sunday, November 30, 2008
Stuff on Sunday
It's a sleepy Sunday here, because on top of everything else that's happened this week, my mom got an emergency call from her daughter Tiffany in Italy late last night. Yesterday afternoon Tiffany cut her finger trying to open a walnut with a knife and had to go to the emergency room, where they closed the cut and gave her a tetanus shot. (We're getting Tiffany a nutcracker for Christmas!)
A few hours later, she had a reaction to the tetanus shot and suddenly got really sick with a dangerously high fever and terrible muscle pain all over her body. So my mom was on and off the phone with Tiffany for a long time, and then we all stayed up most of the night fussing and worrying. We tried really hard to purr a couple of degrees of Tiffany's temperature to Moki, who really needs them ... and we think it worked because Moki is feeling better today, and Tiffany's fever is down and she feels a bit better, too. Ah, the miraculous power of the purr!
Speaking of Moki, we've extended the Crazy Cat Lady raffle to help with his vet bills until tomorrow at midnight, so if you haven't bought a ticket ($2), you still have time!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Finally Friday
First, you'll notice there's no picture of me in this post. That's because my human artist broke our flashy thing this week! I need to choose the winner of our Crazy Cat Lady necklace and earrings raffle for Moki, but there's no flashy thing to provide quality control! I ordered a new flashy, and as soon as it arrives I'll select a winner ... so you still have time to buy tickets.
Also, we need some purrs and purrayers for our neighbor and good friend Kay, who my mom had to rush to the hospital Tuesday. Kay has some serious 100% heart blockages and only one of them could be repaired with a stent. She might get to come home today, but has to go back to the hospital for more procedures soon. Kay is a wonderful cat and woofie lover / artist who has started to assist me with some of our beading. My mom has been spending lots of time at the hospital with her and she's very worried about our friend.
Our good friend Lois needs some purrs, too. She has been in cancer treatment for several years now and finally had to go off medical leave because her former company closed down. First she found out that her Cobra medical insurance will cost her almost $1,000 green papers a month, and she only gets $1,300 green papers a month from disability. Then the very next day, she found out that she may have metastases in her lungs. She gets Herceptin and other intravenous treatments for her bones every month that cost more than $7,000 each, and now she may have to go back on chemotherapy, too. We think this is awful that her insurance company could do this to her and we're all purring & purraying very hard for a solution, if you'd like to join us.
And my mom could use a few purrs, too. Right before the holiday my Almost Dad Jim decided he could find a better family than Artsy Catsy, and he had the nerve to tell this to my poor mom in an E MAIL! Grrrrrrrrr!! Mom says that's the least of our worries right now, but I really, really, really want to put the bitey on that guy.
My biggest wish right now is that all my blogging friends had a much better Thanksgiving week than we've had!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Carnival of the Cats #245

Don't doodle around! Go learn all about the perfect First Dog at Katie's Kitties. The Obamas are considering a Labradoodle (or would that be an Obamadoodle?)

Kashim and Othello are remembering their angel brother Paul.
Naughty and Luna are houseguests at the Cat Realm … and they’re asking for your vote!
It's fair weather at Texas Oasis, where Blueberry continues the Tour de Chairs and soaks up some passive solar heat.
Samantha and Mr. Tigger are freezing over at Life from a Cat's Perspective.
At The Catboys Realm, Kashim and Othello are weathering the first snow of the year by taste-testing pumpkin bread and snuggling in bed.

At Willow's Cat Blog, Sadie Katie won the Halloween Dress Up your Squillion contest and had a Fun Friday opening her contest presents.
At iinfidel, Cece spent the week in some serious inspecting and more inspecting of the housepainting.
And at Mind of Mog, there are nosekisses, wordless wonders and tummies, too!
Luna is still in exile in the CatSynth FEMA Trailer, but as you can see is doing quite well ...

And don't miss the story of two lovely and lovable ferals at House of Chaos.
At StrangeRanger, the good news is that Ivy is doing well ... but Maddie is attacking the papparazzi!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Carnival Notice:

And my human artists are no help at all. First, they gave both their computers a virus or something and they wouldn't work all day. Now they're getting ready to leave town tomorrow for my Grandpa Bob's birthday party.
So here's the deal: I may have to do this week's Carnival of the Cats in installments. If you've already sent me your post, or if you get it to me tonight, it will be included in Part 1, scheduled to be posted on time tomorrow. But if you don't send it until tomorrow, it will have to go in Part 2, to be posted after the humans return home tomorrow night.
Everything would be SO much easier without humans ... well, except for stinky goodness, Temptations, scritches, litter pan cleaning ... so, okay, I guess humans aren't all bad!
You can submit your post here, or email it to carnivalofthecats (at) gmail (dot) com.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Fierce Fighter Day

Millard was my Artsy Catsy mom's very special siamese girlkitty who lived with her for almost 23 years before she struggled two years with kidney failure and had to be helped to the Bridge in 1999 ...

Don't you think Hooter looks like KC?
And a special word: all of us Artsy Catsy want to honor Moki today - one of the Fiercest Fighters we've ever known. Remember, for a few more days you can help with Moki's enormous vet bills and maybe win Artsy Catsy's original Crazy Cat Lady jewelry in our Raffle to Help Moki.
Finally, we want to honor all the magnificent kitties and beans in the Cat Blogosphere who do so much to help all the Fierce Fighters win their battles. We love you all so much!!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Raffle for Moki!
Next, our good friend Moki is still having serious health problems and his vet bills are already more than $700, with more to come. Right now 20% of every purchase you make from Artsy Catsy's Gallery goes to Moki and Criz Cats, but we want to do more to help Moki, so we're raffling one of my mom's hand-beaded Crazy Cat Lady necklaces and earrings. We haven't put these up for sale yet, so if you win this one, you'll be the proud owner of the original Artsy Catsy Crazy Cat Lady!

I want to thank you so much for all your purrs & purrayers for Grandpa Bob since August. He has finished his radiation therapy for prostate cancer and came through it with no difficulties. At the end of this month he has followup tests, but he says he's positive the radiation worked and his tests results will be good, because he feels fine! YAY!
Oh, and here's what else is up: My mom is kittysitting with Mr. Milky the rest of this week while his new DadStan is out of town. She's going out to his new home twice a day to feed him and visit with him, so you'll be hearing lots from Mr. Milky the next few days! Maybe I can get him to help me with Carnival of the Cats!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Troubled Tummy Tuesday
Callie: If it's not one thing, it's another. First I had to keep going to the vet to get stabbed because I'm so skinny.

(From Callie's mom: I'm very worried about this, especially that it might be cancer. Has anyone had a similar problem with your cat?)
Update from Callie's mom: By the time we saw the vet, Callie's entire lower tummy had turned bright pink and she has 2 degrees of fever. Dr. Shew thinks she has just scratched her nipple and it's gotten infected. He gave her a shot of antibiotics, filed her claws to nubs so she can't scratch it, and is having me put cortisone cream on it, plus he gave me some Hill's Hypoallergenic Treats for cats with skin conditions. He said I should start seeing improvement after 48 hours, but if it gets any worse I'm to take her back in right away, and if it isn't significantly improved by Monday I'm to take her back in then. In the meantime, I have to keep her isolated from the other cats. But the good news is, Dr. Shew says he's confident it isn't cancer.
Callie also has a few scabby places elsewhere on her body and she's been scratching and licking obsessively. She sometimes has allergy problems this time of year, but Dr. Shew doesn't want to give her steroids 1) because she has a fever; 2) because of her age and 3) because they'll make her retain water and we won't be able to monitor her weight loss or gain.
I'm hoping that if we can get this under control, we might find out that her weight loss is just due to allergies.
Thanks to all of your for your advice and support!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Mancat Monday and Hold the Glasses

I am a mancat of many talents, but I am NOT an eyeglass holder! After years of such mistreatment, I ordered my human artists to come up with a better way to keep track of their glasses. And I told them to make a bunch of them to put on sale so we could raise some much-needed funds for Moki and Criz. Here's what they did ...
We have unique eyeglass holders that can also be used as badge holders, or just worn as a necklace ...

Sunday, November 16, 2008
Easy Like Sunday - for Moki

And don't forget, our sale to help both Moki and Criz ends tonight at midnight so you can still get a bargain on Napkin Rings & Wine Glass Charms, Hair Bands and Keychains and help some special kitties, too. But we want to keep helping, so right now 20% of every purchase you make from Artsy Catsy will be sent to Moki and Criz ... and we're putting up some brand new things tomorrow that we think you'll love!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Hello from Mr. Milky

But I learned a fine work ethic at Artsy Catsy, so I'm earning my keep in my new home. Dad Stan is a college professor, and every night when he sits down to grade papers, I jump right up on his lap and assist him. Yes, I'm now an academicat!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Callie Update
Dr. Shew thinks the problem is that at her advanced age (18) she's just not absorbing the nutrients from her food and he says the only thing I can do is make sure she's getting high-calorie food and feed her as much as she wants.
I still haven't ruled out that the stress of having Mr. Milky here may have affected her, but that wouldn't explain why she's still losing weight. So I'm looking for advice from all of you who may have experienced something similar with one of your kitties. And maybe you could advise me about high calorie food and some vitamins or supplements I might try with her. Other than maybe being grumpier than usual, Callie seems to feel okay.
Oh, and speaking of Mr. Milky, I'm going to Stan's this afternoon to visit him, so check back tonight or tomorrow for a blog post from our Milky!
~~Mom Sharolyn
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Lumpy Like Sunday Morning

Friday, November 7, 2008
Put cats on your table and help kitties in need!

Hey, my fellow felines ... if our humans put these kitties on the table, they have no excuse for not letting us up there! Yum - turkey time is comin' up!!
And don't forget, our sale on Hair Bands and Kitty Keychains has been extended until November 16, with 20% of proceeds still going to Moki and Beau!
Phinally Phriday

It's been a week of holding special sales to help Beau, Moki and Callie ... and we've decided to extend the sale prices on keychains, hair bands, ceiling fan pulls and cat greeting cards until November 16 so we can help them even more. And later today we're adding some great new items for Thanksgiving and Christmas - kitty napkin rings and wine glass charms, so be sure to check them out this evening at Artsy Catsy's Gallery! It's a great way to let some kitties get on your holiday table!!
It's also been a week of worrying about Callie. She goes back to the vet again today at 5:30 to have her thyroid checked to see if that's why she's lost nearly 4 pounds. Callie, if I could give you some of my fats & floofs, I surely would.
Have a phantastic weekend, everykitty!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Callie Update!

Thank you all so much for your purrs & purrayers - they worked! Now if you wouldn't mind purring for my thyroid?
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Worn Out Wednesday
Thank you all so much for your purrs & purrayers - they mean so much!
~~ Sharolyn
Rocky: It was a long night last night! At 7 p.m. Callie and I settled on the couch with our human artist to watch the election results, all of us laser-eyed with excitement ...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Kitties, Cast Your Vote!
Early voting shows Obama with 51%, McCain with 36% ... but go let your voice be heard ...

Sunday, November 2, 2008
Fundraiser for Beau and Moki ... and Callie, too

We hope you'll go see them all on our Gallery Blog, and if you see something you like, you'll be helping Beau and Moki and Callie, too ... and get some Christmas shopping done early!
And I tell you what ... on every order of $30 or more, I'm gonna throw in a FREE Artsy Catsy bookmark!
If you don't need keychains or hairbands, but you'd like to make a small donation to Beau, Moki and Callie, 100% of your donation will be used for their vet bills ...
P.S. Don't miss the auctions the ever-wonderful Miss Peach is having to help Beau, Criz, and Callie, too ... including these adorable calico kitty pins ...
Read Previous Posts:
- Stuff on Sunday
- Finally Friday
- No title
- Carnival of the Cats #245
- Carnival Notice:
- Fierce Fighter Day
- Raffle for Moki!
- Troubled Tummy Tuesday
- Mancat Monday and Hold the Glasses
- Easy Like Sunday - for Moki
- Hello from Mr. Milky
- Callie Update
- Lumpy Like Sunday Morning
- Put cats on your table and help kitties in need!
- Phinally Phriday
- Callie Update!
- Let there be peace on Earthand let it begin with me.
- Worn Out Wednesday
- Kitties, Cast Your Vote!
- Fundraiser for Beau and Moki ... and Callie, too