Fifteen formerly feral felines train their human artists to create gifts for cat lovers!
Silly Charlie offers a pictorial lesson about how to squeeze into a tiny cat tree house over at No Deep Thoughts.
And here's a video lesson: In Luna and Mouse, Luna teaches you exactly what to do with yes, a mouse, at CatSynth.
In The Bee, the Battle of the Bay Window and the Sill, Cosette gives an update on the multiple dramas unfolding at Hemi’sPhere.
In Still Life with Feather, Maddie proves at StrangeRanger that kitty pics and videos are not always on-demand!
She got sick in April and just kept getting worse and worse with terrible pain and spending all her time in the human litter box and couldn't eat or do anything and none of her human vets could figure out what was wrong. All that time, we couldn't even sit on her lap because it hurt her too much.
Finally the doofus human vets found out she has a serious infection called Clostridium Difficile, or "C-diff". They said it can be fatal and they put her in the hospital right away, in isolation because it can be contagious. While she was there, my other human artists had to disinfect everything at Artsy Catsy with a special kind of bleach and - horrors! - now my staff and I have to be washed every day for two weeks because we can carry the C-diff spores :-( I like water, but this is definitely too much! Fortunately, we're now down to just being washed with cat wipes rather than a full dunking.
Then I had to hiss and scratch mom's health insurance because they didn't want to pay for the only drug that will treat her, and it costs over $1200 for a two-week supply!
But thankfully now the worst of it is over and I can get back to blogging and visiting with all of you - and I'm even going to host Carnival of the Cats this weekend, so don't forget to submit your posts to me!
I've missed you all so much, and it's so good to be back!
First up ... humans, want to make us love you more – and make us smarter at the same time? These Big Cat Games suggested by Raising Whiskers will do the trick!
And, humans, sometimes you're not sure when we should go to the vet. This list of symptoms from GwenMart will help you understand when we’re having an emergency and when we can be treated at home.
There’s nothing we cats can’t do, including helping humans deal with telemarketers. Learn how at Puppies are Prozac ...
It's a classic. In Gone With the Wind, you can gaze upon the dashing Mr. Rhett, a smooth operator at Mélange. But take care not to disturb Lady Willow, a diva in sweet repose.
Whoa! Sawyer has inflicted mass destruction on the new kitty condo at No Deep Thoughts.
Go take a look at Jax … His pic needs a caption at Texas Oasis ...
Then look at these kitty pictures of Audace and Ruse! They have a big birthday coming up next week at Momma Grace & Company.
And here’s another Birthday Boy - Packet at TacJammer is now two years old.
LOL! Stuff NOT On My Cat … you can find out what it is at Small & Big. (Hint: think Sphynx)
Luna is having a magnificently triangular week over at CatSynth.
On Wordless Wednesday it looks as if some choice words may have been spoken at Mind of Mog.
That same Wordless Wednesday theme is continued at iInfidel ...
... and again on Wordless Wednesday at iMOG the bLOG. It’s contagious!
It’s all Tweeting and Tummies at iMeowza.
Ivy’s humans have been to school, learning how to give her subQ fluids at StrangeRanger. Let’s all send Ivy some healing purrs.
It's Kitten in the morning, kitten in the evening, kitten all night long at Watermark ... and some silly kitties are wishing you a Happy Spring.
Sunday is Funday, with a whole lotta pawtyin’ goin’ on at House of the (Mostly) Black Cats. And, everybody, let's wish their Mom Robyn well - she's having knee surgery tomorrow.
Rosie and Arthur are working hard at My Cats and Funny Stories, but they still took time out to send us all a wonderful Easter greeting ...
All of us at Artsy Catsy join them in wishing you the Happiest Easter ever!
Don't miss next Sunday's Carnival of the Cats, to be hosted at
Oscar: Hey, wait a minute! I don't have a tail! Does that mean I'm mute??
1) We cats keep all our toys organized and out of sight in piles under furniture.
2) We cats keep our litter organized in a 50-foot radius outside our litter pan.
3) We cats organize our stray furs into neat clumps in the corners and only deposit individual hairs onto anything they will stick to.
4) We cats are color-organized, depositing only white furs onto dark clothing and black furs onto dark clothing.
5) We cats keep our kibble neatly distributed within a 10-foot radius outside our food bowls.
6) We cats try to help our humans stay organized by serving as paperweights for all their important papers.
7) We cats are even organized with our hairballs, yakking them up only on important documents and expensive rugs.
8) We cats are very organized with our screeching fights, conducting them only when the humans are very relaxed or sound asleep.
9) We cats are quite organized about time schedules, always waking our humans at least two hours before the time at which their alarm clocks are set.
10) We cats even organize our health, and only need to go to the vet when the humans don't have any money and, when they do, we make sure the bulk of it is spent on cat food and toys.
11) We cats cyber-organize our humans by walking on their keyboards and standing in front of their monitors.
12) We cats even organize our humans' sleeping habits by lying on top of them at night so they can't move.
13) We cats organize our humans' love lives by making them realize that no one in their lives is more important than we are!
2) Thou shalt not sit in front of the television or computer monitor, as thou art not transparent.
3) Thou shalt not projectile vomit from the top of the refrigerator.
4) Thou shalt not walk in on a dinner party and commence licking thy butt.
5) Thou shalt not lie down with thy butt in thy human's face.
6) Fast as thou art, thou canst not run through closed doors.
7) Thou shalt not jump onto the toilet seat just as thy human is sitting down.
8) Thou shalt not unroll all the toilet paper off the roll.
9) Thou shalt not jump onto thy sleeping human's bladder at 4 a.m.
10) Thou shalt realize that thy house is not a prison from which to escape at any opportunity.
11) Thou shalt not trip thy human even if said human walkest too slow.
12) Thou shalt show remorse when being scolded.
When you come upon your cat, deep in meditation, staring thoughtfully at something you can’t see, just remember that your cat is, in fact, running the universe. ~Bonni Elizabeth
If you stared deep into a cat’s eyes, you would be able to see into the world of spirits. ~British Proverb
I believe cats to be spirits come to earth. A cat, I am sure, could walk on a cloud without coming through. ~Jules Verne
I put down my book, The Meaning of Zen, and see the cat smiling … “Cat, I would lend you this book to study, but it appears you have already read it.” She looks up at gives me her full gaze. “Don’t be ridiculous,” she purrs, “I wrote it.” ~Dilys Laing
Of all animals, the cat alone attains the contemplative life. He regards the wheel of existence from without, like the Buddha. ~Andrew Lang
So, that clarified ... Ommmm....
My staff says I have to join Bite-aholics Anonymous and enroll in anger management and stress reduction classes to calm down my CatType A personality. In the meantime, my human artist is telling me her daughter Tiffany had a cat bite just like this when she was young and she ended up in the hospital for two weeks and almost lost her hand. Oh my, I don't want that to happen! I really, really, really am sorry.
Oh, but if your eyes are itchy, better learn how to Use Organic Methods to Help Heal your Pet's Allergies at Organic Family Circle.
Please send your purrs & purrayers to Mind of Mog, who this Friday had to help their their sweet Klarissa to the Rainbow Bridge ...
Don’t miss the video, Jerusalem’s Coolest Kitties at Elms in the Yard, a tribute to all the cats who make their home on the grounds of St. Stephen's Priory (The Ecole Biblique) in Jerusalem.
Look at these innocent bystanders doing absolutely nothing wrong at Elms in the Yard.Don’t miss the fresh air, sunshine, wet paws and a perfectly “happy ending" :-) at Perfectly Parker!
Beautiful Sanjee stakes her claim to some peace and quiet at House of the (Mostly) Black Cats.Tristan gets down to a serious therapy session with a Really BAD Dog at Tabbylicious.
Maggie is dealing with a dilemma at Mélange … Where did all the birdies go?But check out at Mr. Jones at AllanThinks – there’s not a single dilemma in his world!
Speaking of dilemmas, the economic downturn is on all our minds ... but at Catymology, Aloysius explains why cats can right the falling economy.
Get ready to give out some welcomes to new friends ... There’s a new “cousin” – sort of – at Momma Grace and Company.And there's a new woofie brother, Maverick, at Life from a Cat’s Perspective.
Easy Like Sunday Afternoon brings out some handsome mancatness at iMeowza.
And at iInfidel, there's some spring cleaning going on.The cat’s out of the bag! It’s Victor’s 4th purrthday today! (And someone else in his house has a birthday Wednesday) ...
Awww! Desi and Pushy display their overwhelming cuteness in days gone by at KeesKennis.
Maddie and Ivy share their cures for cold and dreary days at StrangeRanger. Never fear, warmth is on its say and Spring will soon be sprung!And here at Artsy Catsy, we offer up a bit of Kitty Bipartanship with a heart-warming video, The Animal Odd Couple.
Don't miss next Sunday's Carnival of the Cats,
to be hosted at Mind of Mog!
She's having a really hard time. First, her blood pressure went sky high, then she got hit with an acute attack of diverticulitis, then Tuesday night her heart went crazy and she had to be rushed to the emergency room with paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia.
She's taking lots of medicine and feeling a bit better, but we're all still purring on her 24/7, so we may not get back to regular blogging or visiting our friends until she sees a cardiologist next week. In the meantime, we could sure use a massive Purr-In over here!