Mr. Milky: Thank you all so much for your "Welcome Home" wishes! Hendrix, you're right - like you, I do have an evil alter ego:
Mr. Shrillky. But right now he's suppressed deep inside because I see a scritching hand approaching me ...

Ahhh, yes! Oh, and thank you all for your suggestions on improving
Mr. Shrillky's bad cattitude. But I just can't help that couch shredding thing - just look at my big feets. The thing is, I can't control my claws very well because the pads of my feets are a bit defective from the infection that required surgery. I try not to shred hands, but it's hard to restrain myself when I get over-excited from attention because I've never ever had attention before. And Artsy Catsy doesn't want to de-claw me because me and my feets have been through so much ...

Oooh, yes, right there! And thank you for giving my Artsy Catsy beans some hope by saying it might take 2 weeks or more for my tomcat hormone levels to subside, especially since Dr. Shew says I'm probably at least 2-3 years old. Mmmm, I don't feel any hormones, I just feel scritches ...

See, I'm not all bad cattitude ... I give grateful kisses during scritches ...

Oops, but then
Mr. Shrillky gets all excited and turns my kisses into biteys! It's him who wants to kill Rocky and his staff, not me ...

Oh, and since you asked,
Mr. Shrillky doesn't just hiss and chase Rocky & staff, in fact, we've never all been in the same room unless I'm in my cage, because all I have to do is even
see the other cats through the living room door and
Mr. Shrillky goes crazy! He lets out blood-curdling screeches and yowls and bangs my head against the door until I hurt myself. The Artsy Catsy beans are very upset about it, because two of their kitties, Callie & Lucy, are 17 and 18 years old and they especially don't want
Mr. Shrillky to upset them. And they already have 9 kitties and 1 woofie, all rescues, who have lived here with them furever.
I think they're probably right - as much as I love Artsy Catsy, I think I would love even better a furever home where there are no other kitties so I could have ALL the attention. But I do love my Artsy Catsy Mom Sharolyn SO much ...