First up ... humans, want to make us love you more – and make us smarter at the same time? These Big Cat Games suggested by Raising Whiskers will do the trick!
And, humans, sometimes you're not sure when we should go to the vet. This list of symptoms from GwenMart will help you understand when we’re having an emergency and when we can be treated at home.
There’s nothing we cats can’t do, including helping humans deal with telemarketers. Learn how at Puppies are Prozac ...
Uh oh ... somebody spiked the cat food at The Poor Mouth!
Neighbor presents a stunning black on green image at Blog d’Elisson.
It's a classic. In Gone With the Wind, you can gaze upon the dashing Mr. Rhett, a smooth operator at Mélange. But take care not to disturb Lady Willow, a diva in sweet repose.
Whoa! Sawyer has inflicted mass destruction on the new kitty condo at No Deep Thoughts.
Go take a look at Jax … His pic needs a caption at Texas Oasis ...
Then look at these kitty pictures of Audace and Ruse! They have a big birthday coming up next week at Momma Grace & Company.
And here’s another Birthday Boy - Packet at TacJammer is now two years old.
LOL! Stuff NOT On My Cat … you can find out what it is at Small & Big. (Hint: think Sphynx)
Luna is having a magnificently triangular week over at CatSynth.
On Wordless Wednesday it looks as if some choice words may have been spoken at Mind of Mog.
That same Wordless Wednesday theme is continued at iInfidel ...
... and again on Wordless Wednesday at iMOG the bLOG. It’s contagious!
It’s all Tweeting and Tummies at iMeowza.
Ivy’s humans have been to school, learning how to give her subQ fluids at StrangeRanger. Let’s all send Ivy some healing purrs.
It's Kitten in the morning, kitten in the evening, kitten all night long at Watermark ... and some silly kitties are wishing you a Happy Spring.
Sunday is Funday, with a whole lotta pawtyin’ goin’ on at House of the (Mostly) Black Cats. And, everybody, let's wish their Mom Robyn well - she's having knee surgery tomorrow.
Rosie and Arthur are working hard at My Cats and Funny Stories, but they still took time out to send us all a wonderful Easter greeting ...
All of us at Artsy Catsy join them in wishing you the Happiest Easter ever!
Don't miss next Sunday's Carnival of the Cats, to be hosted at