I told my mom we should share some photos she took of Mr. Milky just a couple of hours before he suffered the stroke. He looked so much better, and so happy, snuggling on the couch with Jim ...

Fifteen formerly feral felines train their human artists to create gifts for cat lovers!
Rocky: Hey Milky thing, did you hear that? He said, "People the world over have always been more impressed by the power of our example than by the example of our power." So will you please stop your powermongering attacks on the rest of us?
Mr. Milky: Hmm ... how about "HillaBillaMilk 2012"?
Rocky: Senator Obama! What in the #!*? is that Milky thing doing at the Convention?? He's already taken over my living room, now he's trying to take over the party! You'd better fight back now, before you have to run against a "HillaMilk" ticket in 2012!!
I'll be appearing at the Convention Thursday. In the meantime, I'm sticking like glue to Barack Obama on the campaign trail ...Senator Obama is kindly giving me a big shoulder to cry on about being one of millions of Americans losing their homes to bad mortgages and to Milky things. So he's definitely got my vote!
Maybe he won't be so nuts when he gets his hoohahectomy, which is scheduled for a week from Monday, Sept. 1. Dr. Shew can do it sooner than expected because Milky is doing so well. He got the stitches out of his feet Friday ... and now he just wants to whap us all.
He's getting BIG, gaining lots of weight ...
... And some of it is curly ...... And he has taken over OUR couch ... and made it all stinky! :-(
Yum, pretty good ...
We've also been having serious talks about whether or not Mr. Milky gets to join my staff. I reminded my human artist of her vow ... that we wouldn't hire more staff as long as Callie is with us, because she's 19 years old and gets upset easily. And we already have 8 cats and a woofie on our permanent staff here in our headquarters.
I've agreed that he can stay with us until he's all healthy again and not so scraggly looking and gets his hoohahectomy next month ... but after that, if one of our cat blogging friends would be interested in giving him a furever home ... would like to "Get Milk" ... my humans have agreed to drive him to his new home. My mom says it will break her heart to be without him, but she loves him enough to give him a better life than he might have here with us. And if he's with a cat blogging friend, he'll always be with her.
It's a difficult decision.
The little guy was doing so well until today ... he even started using his litter pan all on his own. Please purr that Dr. Shew can help him - we're very worried.
And I have a nice, soft rug ...
I even got a nip mousie as a get-well present, but I was scared to death of it!!
I'm trying to be very good, but I think I'm making some problems. They have a big cage in the living room for me, with a nice bed, my food and litter pan, but last night they gave me a chance to stay out of it. But my hoohahs made me spray all over the Artsy Catsy living room, and then I pooed and peed right in the middle of the couch ... oops, I think I blew it. Now I might have to go in the cage whenever someone isn't in the living room with me, but I don't mind.
And the Artsy Catsy kitties don't like me. The humans are trying to keep things calm by giving us all Bach's Rescue Remedy and Pet Naturals Calming Treats, and spraying At Ease Natural Herbal Calming Spray around the house and giving everybody lots of attention and nip. But Rocky is very upset ...
Rocky: Please let me come into my living room. Got Milk? Hah, I got WAY too much Milk! Milk has taken over my blog, my living room, my pillow, my rug, my couch and my mom's lap. I know real mancats don't cry, but ... well ... boohoohoohoo! :-(
The best news is, I might get to go back to Artsy Catsy tomorrow or Wednesday, after I get all cleaned up! The humans are making a place for me to recover in their living room so I don't have to stay outside. I hear Rocky is objecting, but I think I can make him like me, or at least tolerate me until we make a decision about a furever home. I'll still be seeing a lot of Dr. Shew, though, because I can't get my hoohaectomy or my vaccinations until I'm all recovered from everything else.
And guess what! I might get to be a celebrity! Artsy Catsy is sending out press releases about me to the local and national news media and to the people who created the "Got Milk?" advertising campaign! I don't care about fame, though - I'm just happy to be loved and safe for the first time in my life (I'm 2-3 years old, Dr. Shew says). But Artsy Catsy says it's important for people to know how the Cat Blogosphere and individual people work to save sick, scraggly, neglected kitties like me.
They also want the "Got Milk?" people to know that their advertising campaign not only sold milk ... it also helped me get recognized and saved!
This is me smiling and smiling for all the caring and generous people all over the world who have donated to help pay Dr. Shew. He doesn't have an estimate yet, but he says since I'm such a special kitty he's keeping the bill "down to a dull roar" so all of you have made it possible for me to get the best vet care in the world ... and I LOVE YOU ALL!!
I also want to add my love and purrs to those of everybody at Artsy Catsy for little Sprout's family in this tragic time. My adopted mom is going home now to make some donations and come up with some ideas to help bring them some small comfort.
Today at 4:30 the human artists are taking me to the vet to get tests and treatments and see if he can make me well and handsome again. And if he thinks he can, then I'm getting a hoohaectomy, because my hoo-hahs are all swollen and hurty. I'm going to ask him if I can have a bath, too, because I'm SO filthy and crusty!
I know you don't know me very well, but I'm an okay guy - or at least I will be soon - and I'm wondering if I can ask you a favor? My timing wasn't very good - I was desperate - so I moved in to Artsy Catsy when their green papers were kinda short. They're not comfortable asking for help, so I'm asking for them. If anyone could spare just one or two green papers toward my vet bills, you can help me pay my own way, and I think it would make my new humans so happy and grateful!
I can't type yet because of my rotten paws, but Rocky agreed to put up a PayPal donation button for me (even though he doesn't like me at all.) Thank you so much - even just a few cents will mean so much to me and my adoptive humans! And I'll have Rocky update you as soon as I get home from the vet.