Mr. Milky: Today is Fierce Fighter Day, sponsored by
Whiskers & Purrs, to honor of all those Who Came Before who fought illnesses or other struggles. Since I fought successfully against my recent struggles, Artsy Catsy asked me host Fierce Fighter Day for them.
You may remember when I first found my way to Artsy Catsy, starving and begging for food and medical care ...

But then Artsy Catsy and all my loving new friends from the Cat Blogosphere saw me through infections and surgeries and a stroke and fed me and loved me ... and here I am last night when my Artsy Catsy mom and Jim came out to kittysit me in my new furever home while my new DadStan is out of town ... Hey! Jim! I know I'm getting a little plump, but must we flaunt it?? ...

Ah, yes, snuggles are definitely in order after that disgraceful display ...

There were many, many Fierce Fighters who came before at Artsy Catsy, but even though I didn't get to meet them, three of them were extra special ...
Millard was my Artsy Catsy mom's very special siamese girlkitty who lived with her for almost 23 years before she struggled two years with kidney failure and had to be helped to the Bridge in 1999 ...
And Gizmo was a rescued girlkitty who lived with my Artsy Catsy mom for 19 years before she was helped to the Bridge because of cancer in her eye and sinuses, just two weeks after Millard crossed over ...

My mom is convinced it was because she missed Millard, because they loved each other so much ...

And then there was Hooter, the sweetest tortie girlkitty in the world. Hooter lived with my Artsy Catsy mom for almost 20 years. She struggled with diabetes for 3 years and finally had to be helped to the Bridge in 2002 when it could no longer be controlled ...
Don't you think Hooter looks like KC?
And a special word: all of us Artsy Catsy want to honor Moki today - one of the Fiercest Fighters we've ever known. Remember, for a few more days you can help with Moki's enormous vet bills and maybe win Artsy Catsy's original Crazy Cat Lady jewelry in our Raffle to Help Moki.
Finally, we want to honor all the magnificent kitties and beans in the Cat Blogosphere who do so much to help all the Fierce Fighters win their battles. We love you all so much!!
It is so good to see Mr. Milky looking very happy and healthy!
We are remembering the ones before us, too.
~ The Bunch
What lovely OWCB!
Mr. Milky always makes my Mommy's heart happy!
Well, it is sure a lucky kitty who finds the Artsy Catsy Home... 19 years, 20 years, 23 years... what wonderful lives they gave each of you. All were blessed...
And we're so happy to see how
Mr Milky is thriving!
Mr Milky, yoo look GREAT!
Da kittys that came before are furry bootiful. We is sure they is showerin yoo wif smiles from the bridge!
Mr Milky looks wonderful! All of these kitties were so lucky to have found the Artsy Catsy family!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Thanks for sharing those pictures and stories of the ones who came before...they are so special! And we can't believe how well Mr. Milky looks! What a success story!
Mr Milky we could hear and see your story over and over again a true fairytale :))
Your Momma was probably right about Millard and Gizmo,they are all so beautiful :))
We must remember them always with a smile and love in our hearts :))
Heyya Milky!'re looking good! And never let 'em suggest you're fat. You're just fluffy. With handles.
Mr. Milky is a great fighter.
You look great Mr Milky!
Mr. Milky, you are looking great!
Kitties appear to be very lucky to live at Artsy Catsy and can have very long lives!
You're looking great Mr Milky! You just keep on eating and don't worry about any smart comments - you just tell 'em you're extra fluffy. Those kitties who came before look lovely, and lived such long happy lives at Artsy Catsy. Blessings to the human artists for looking after the cat staff so well.
Gypsy & Tasha
Thank you for sharing the pictures and stories of you precious Fierce Fighters. Mr Milky looks like he is definately getting slightly tubby, which is great!
Whicky Wuudler
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