I even found the last few of this design -- my very favorite! -- which she didn't even include when we originally posted the sale:
If you missed the Cat Greeting Card clearance when we first posted it ... or we sold out of a design you wanted ... or even if you want to let your friends know about the sale ... now is your chance to help raise some green papers for kitties who don't have enough ... and to own some of my mom's simply pun-derful cat greeting cards! You can see all 10 designs here!
P.S. Stay tuned the next few days ... We're going to have a fundraiser for our new friend Moki ... with more of my mom's original art!
Inside: "You're such a purrvert!"

P.S. Stay tuned the next few days ... We're going to have a fundraiser for our new friend Moki ... with more of my mom's original art!
Wow you look so... ManCat in your suit! ~Fi
Ohhh, Fi ... you make me feel all soft and floofy inside ... sighhh ...
I wanted to thank you. My grandmom go the bookmark today and LOVED it
KC said...
Handsome CEO Rocky, those cards are so grrreat. How nice of you to put them on sale and to help sweet Lilly Lu.
My mommie ordered a set to frame, she said tha cards make hers smile. An tha's always good.
And i's putted a link on tha CB sidebar.
Yours mommie is furry talented.
Love & Purrs,
That look you're wearing *almost makes me want to wear clothing, Rocky!
We love those cards and we will look forward to her newest designs!
You wook such a handsome CEO in your suit!
So Handsome! Mommy got her cards yesterday and LOVES THEM! She is going to frame some of them! She is off to look at the newest ones!
we love your suit!
Wow, a CEO and a suit! You are very impurrtant!
That card is hysterical!
hmm, nice suit furr mancat monday!
Thanks for your suggestions for PooPoo. We will look those things up on the internet....
Thanks for hosting the carnival too!
Yur Momma's artwork is absolutely adorabble! And you look furry mancatly in yur suit, Rocky!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Rocky, you look fabulous in your CEO suit! And your Mom's artwork is wonderful. *smile*
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
You really IZ a CEO! I thought dat waz justee a cover...but look at dat suit! I yam speech-less. & what iz dis abouts da cardz??? Your momee iz a happenin' artist. I hopes you iz proper-telee impressed, & dat you know how lucky you iz to have such a compassionate & generous momee.
Hi Rocky,
You look stunning in your suit. Very mancat...
Thank you for helping to spread the word about Moki, and for everything you are doing to help raise money to cover the costs of his medical bills. We can't begin to express how much it means to us!
All of those cards are wonderful! All of you at Artsy Catsy are so generous!
You look very handsome in your CEO suit and the card is very cute :)
Don't you look handsome in that suit! Very authoritative too! How do humans cope without us organizing them I'll never know. Very beautiful designs too.
You are so wonderful to organize all these great fund raisers!
I think we will do something like that for our blogoversary too!
Don't forget to check out our blog during the next 5 days - we are on a St.Patrick's Day adventure in Ireland!!!
Karl, Emil and Mrs. OZ
Oh wow, those cards are fantastic!
And a very handsome CEO you are Rocky. We wanted to let you know we got our Cat Greeting cards and they are wonderful!! Thank you.
Your FL furiends,
Your galler is fantastic! My bean loves cats, cat pictures and she collects cats gifts.
Thanks for your visit and comment!
Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrss from Spain!
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