First, I want to thank all the kind and generous kitties and beans who helped us raise funds this week in our Cat Jewelry Fundraiser and our Cat Greeting Card Clearance. Thanks to you, we'll soon be sending some much-needed green papers to Project H.A.M., to Cat Friends Helping Friends, and to Lilly Lu to help pay for her surgery.
Both sales end Sunday, so it's not too late to help. We still have a few beaded items (cell phone charms, bracelets, necklaces & bookmarks) and some cat greeting cards available. So for this final weekend, we're reducing all prices a little bit more on the few remaining items to try to raise as much money as we can for our kitty friends!
I also want to thank Zoolatry for this beautiful graphic they made of me in honor of my friend Lilly Lu:
Lilly sent me the gizzy quilt as a gift, and pink is her favorite color, so Zoolatry did an absolutely perfect job on my graphic! Lilly will be having surgery soon, and I dedicate my graphic to her to let her know she's in my thoughts constantly and I have my whole staff purring for her.
Now I must turn to my work for the weekend. I'm hosting Carnival of the Cats this Sunday, and I need to prepare for the big event:
Fracas, do you think this is something we can use for the Carnival?
Fracas: Um, Rocky, maybe you need to cut back on the Temptations!Rocky: Shut up, Fracas. I can squeeze everybody in for Carnival of the Cats #208 ...
Rocky that Carousel looks like fun!
OOOO A Carousel. I will definately have to attend the Carnival this weekend!
wow a carousel. What fun!
Also, what a touching tribute to Lilly Lu. Beautiful. x
That's a beautiful graphic Zoolatry did for you ... and that carousel looks like lots of fun!
Thank you so much Artsy Catsy for stopping by our blog and wanting to help. It means a great deal to us! Your cards and jewelry are all very beautiful!
Very nice. I like the carousel for the carnival. Now I must go choose a post!
Dear Rocky,
Thank you for visiting my blog. And thank you so much for the compliment. I'm totally blushing!
Skittles, The Huntress
You should not over work yourself! Kitties must never miss their naps, they are very important.
My mommy also thinks that I am the bitey type because I was taken away from my cat mom too soon. How sad for us, but at least we have our human moms forever!
That's wunnerful, all that you do to help kitties in need. You are all superduper furriends to efurrycat!
And that carousel looks like funsies!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Hello! I'm fine! Everything went well. Beanies have been taking good care of me! thanks for checking in!
My beans and i appreciate your kind words!
That is a beautiful graphic by Zoolatry! And you kitties at Artsy Catsy and your beans are just fabulous -- you do so much to help those in need, and bring such beauty to the world, too. *smile*
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
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