I didn't get too mad because they went to my Grandpa Bob and Grandma Vivian's 23rd Wedding Anniversary Surprise Party! Yes, tomorrow my two human artists' dad and stepmom will have been married more than half a century!
More than 150 family members gathered in the ballroom waiting to shout "Surprise! Happy Anniversary!!" when Grandma & Grandpa came in ....
They were definitely suprised! Here they are with my humans' half-sister Vickie ... which I don't understand because she's always looked like a whole sister to me ....
Here are my human artists Sharolyn & Suzanne with their dad, my Grandpa Bob. They're the oldest of his nine children! He was an only child, and says he vowed to make sure none of his children would ever be lonely. I'd say he was pretty successful ... even more so because he raised a family of cat lovers - everybody wore cat furs to the surprise party! And I'd say this is an appropriate Earth Day post, since Grandpa Bob did his part to populate the Earth with cat lovers! ...
There was cake and food and a beautiful photo collage and a scrapbook of their lives together ....
And dancing ... here's Grandma & Grandpa kicking it off with an honorary first dance to the song "Stand By Me". Hey, my Grandpa still knows how to 'cut a rug'! ....
I wish I'd been there - I know a few things to do to rugs, too! Hey, everybody, if you'd like to wish my Grandpa Bob & Grandma Vivian a Happy Anniversary, you can leave a comment and I'll make sure they read them!
Also, I'd like to ask everyone to sign the petition urging the city of Brazil to leave the Rothrock cat rescue alone and let them do their important work. My mom will be attending the city hall meeting Thursday with the Rothrocks.
P.S. We're still having aftershocks - a 4.5 one yesterday morning. I think the Earth is trying to shake some sense into its humans around Earth Day!
Wow, they've been married a long time! Our humans are only celebrating their 4th anniversary today. We are glad to hear that your artists are back, Rocky, and we are off to sign the petition!
Happy Anniversary to your Grandpa Bob and Grandma Vivian! How wonderful to be married for 53 years.
Congratulations! 50 years. That's wonderful. From the photos, we can see they had a great time at the party. And we felines can't thank them enough for helping populate the earth with cat lovers. You were all well-dressed and wearing cat fur the proper way for a human --- shed from a live cat!
Hapyy Anniversary Grandpa Bob and Grandma Vivian! There party looks like it was lots of fun.
Happy Anniversary to your Grandpa Bob and Grandma Vivian!! That's amazing! Our Nana & Grampy have been married that long, too. Although they didn't raise a bunch of cat lovers, only 1 of our Auntie's and Mom have cats, out of 8 kids. We'll have to ask them why thiat is...
Happy Anniversary to your grandparents 53 years is wonderful.
Happy Anniversary to Grandpa Bob and Grandma Vivian! I like the picture of them dancing best . . . it looks romantic!
Oh Rocky, buddy, hang in there! I worry about my kitty friends with all those earthquakes and aftershocks going on.
Happy Earth Day!
Wowie 53 years!! That's great!
Happy Anniversary to your Grandpa Bob and Grandma Vivian!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
Happy Anniversary to your lovely grandparents! 53rd! That's pawesome! My SS wasn't even born when they were married.
Hope you're all OK in the after shock1 Must be scary, huh?
I'll be visiting with the boys, Opus and Roscoe, for the next week. Please visit us at their blog at http://catnapsinitaly.blogspot.com
to see what we are up to. That trip in the Flying Bus from Sydney was an experience and a half, 'cos it was in absolute pouring rain.
Happy Anniversary to your Grandpa Bob and Grandma Vivian! How wonderful that they have had such a long and happy marriage! And how wonderful that you Dad raised so many kitty beans!
Smooches to them!
Congratulations on their anniversary. But you would think they wouldn't have been so rude as to take your servants from you for THREE DAYS!!!
53 years .... that must be a zillion squillion naps. It looks like they had a great time!
Cake and furr mmmmmmmmmmm.....
What a wonderful story! Happy anniversary to your grandma and grandpa!! They look so happy together! What a pair!!
WOWY - that looks like a great party - happy anniversary to yer grampers!
That looks like such a fun party - happy anniversary wishes to the beans!
I'm glad your humans are back home again with you, though ...
Happy Anniversary Grandma and Grandpa!! Hello to all my kitty friends!
Love Clover xo
That was a beautiful post! :)
We are a day late but wanted to wish your grandparents a happy anniversary!
Happy Annyversarary to your grampie & gramma. I tink dis was an erth shatterin' event!
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