You see, being fabulous isn’t only about sass, attitude, walking with a supermodel strut as if you’re wearing furry little “come-foof-me-pumps”, never spitting when hissing, and always smoking with a cigarette holder. No, my cutesykits, to BE fabulous, we must FEEL fabulous.
And to feel fabulous, we diva dolls must indulge ourselves both INSIDE and out. We must not only cultivate inner poise and prettyness, we must EAT properly. A kitty without proper nutrition is like a plant in poorly soil … and we must never, never wilt, wrinkle or, heaven forbid, lose our girlygirly figures! It's all about healthy, my honeys!
As my good friends at CatNutrition.org point out in their open letter to veterinarians, Have you ever seen a barn cat barbecue and dehydrate its mouse dinner and top it off with a dessert of corn gluten meal soufflé? Or heard of a cat that went hunting for rice grains or oatmeal for breakfast? I think NOT! And many popular cat food brands are made from meat industry WASTE products: condemned/contaminated protein from slaughterhouses, road kill, and even euthanized companion animals … EEEEWWWW!! Barfybarf!!
If it’s unfit for humans, we finicky felines must turn our prissy little tails on it. I have insisted that our humans feed us only the best cat food by serving us healthy homemade cat food here at ArtsyCatsy, adapted from a diva-friendly recipe I found in the Veterinarians Guide to Natural Remedies for Cats
Ta-ta and bon apetit, Dearies!
Homemade Cat Food Recipe
* 2 whole (preferably organic) chickens (boiled, de-skinned, de-boned and chopped – reserve broth)
* 2 containers organic vegetable baby food (without onion powder, toxic to cats)
* 3 jars chicken baby food
* 6-8 teaspoons canola oil
* 6-8 teaspoons flax oil
* 6-8 teaspoons fish oil
* 5-7 rounded tablespoons human-grade bone meal (We use Solgar Bone Meal Powder with Vitamin B-12 from the health food store)
* One 6 ½ ounce can minced clams with juice (for taurine – a MUST)
* 1-2 or more cups reserved broth (to make it Lucy-juicy!)
Mix all ingredients well, and freeze in ½ to 1 cup portions in snack or sandwich bags. Thaw bags in hot water or in microwave before serving. We adult divakitties will eat ½ to 1 cup per day.
Important: Once a week, add 1/2 cup organic organ meat (kidney or liver) and once or twice a week add one or two hardboiled organic or high-omega eggs.
wow ... dat'z a grate soundin recipe. i'll havta get mi mom to make sum fer us 5 catz asap!
Hi there
Rocky visited my blog so I came over pay a call on him. You are a good-looking bunch of cats!
Your human is furry talented with her drawings. Does she do commissions?
Hi Fat Eric! Thanks for visiting. Yes, my human does portraits on commission. In fact, I've tasked my main man, Fracas, with putting up a press release tomorrow on our blog announcing a special introductory price on portraits, so back in for the good news!
Rocky, CEO
P.S: The three cat portraits pictured on our blog in the "Edict from the Corporate FatCat" post are also for sale. For more info, just email my human portrait artist Suzanne at ArtsyCatsySuz@yahoo.com.
that sounds great! we'll make our Lady copy it down and get cookin'!
There's no way the Woman will fix food for us. If it doesn't come out of a can, it doesn't get consumed here. That applies to the humans, too, I don't think she cooks much for them, either. That would require effort...
mmmmmm that sounds delect-table! Lucy, you are a very purty spokesmodel.
I'm on a special diet, but we use lotsa natural stuff in our house. My kitty litter is Feline Pine and not only is it natural, it can get flushed in the bean litter box and that saves trash!
Thanks for visiting me again! I'm having trouble posting news, but I'm forwarding the news of this great recipe to the other bloggy repurters so it should go up soon.
My mom's been feeding us Nature's Variety raw frozen medallions (which we love)! Especially since I had to have surgery for a bladder stone ... my ph seems to be okay now, but Mom's going to keep checking it.
Oh hello. You are a lovely Ragdoll kitty! I doubt Momma will be fixing that although sometimes we get the mix and raw food...
Sounds yummy! Thanks for sharing this recipe. Here in Germany, my humans feed me organic, all natural cat food, but this recipe sounds like it would make a nice occasional treat.
GReat recipe! Maybe we can get Mommakitty to try it...BTW - did cats eat clams in the wild?
Hey, Kimo & Sabi, how goes it? Nope, we probably didn't eat clams, but here's the thing: Clams are loaded with taurine, an amino acid we kitties need to stay healthy. Without enough taurine, we get sick - eye problems, heart problems, all sorts of yucky stuff. Our ancestors got enough taurine eating fresh raw meat in the wild, but everything is processed now. Even most commercial catfoods don't have enough taurine ... so the clams are a kind of health insurance!
Rocky, the Clamdigger CEO :-)
Wow, you must have great humans to make you such tasty food! We get the best quality food we can without the Lap Lady cooking it for us (I wouldn't trust her anyway). We eat Innova Evo dry and Merrick wet food. Its tasty, we eat no grains, and we like it. But yours sounds SO much tastier!
Thank you so much, Kaze, for the culinary tips! I'm sending my human shopping to find us some Evo and some Merrick. All the time she spends chopping chickens could be better spent scratching my ears and keeping Callie out of my hair!
Rocky, CEO
Thanks for your good wishes last Sunday! I appreciate it! :)
Hey artsy catsy - Mao and i can't eat chicken as it sets our tums off - can we substitute the recipe with any other meat?
Very nice but you can visit this blog
cat’s food recipes
it is very nice blog that gives you cat recipes
that are not affordable in any other site
it is really amazing, they put new recipes everyday.
un6abe3y! ...
Thanks for visiting, but it's very important that I point out to other visitors that the catfood recipes on your blog would be very dangerous for cats if they constituted their primary diet, for a number of reasons. For one, the high content of grains is not necessarily a good thing.
But the main reason is your recipes are completely lacking in the amino acid taurine, which is absolutely essential for a cat's health!
Cats, unlike dogs, require a sufficient level of taurine in their diets; the cat is unique in that it cannot manufacture enough taurine to meet its metabolic needs. A taurine deficiency in a cat’s diet can result in degeneration of he retina, impaired vision and blindless, and it can also cause cardiomyopathy and other fatal heart problems, as well as retarded growth and development in young cats.
Even commercial cat foods add taurine: dry food should contain 1000 mg of taurine per kg of weight, and wet foods should have twice that.
The particular recipe on the Artsy Catsy blog was formulated by holistic veterinarians to provide plenty of taurine and the proper nutritional balance between proteins, carbs, fats etc.
Your recipes might be fine for an occasional treat, but using them as a staple diet would result in a very sick kitty!
Artsy Catsy
"un6abe3y!" is quite the blog spammer, so I'm glad you're taking the person to task and pointing out how ridiculous the recipes are. I'm pretty sure the blog owner just started the blog in hopes of making AdSense revenue, so if they're profiting, it would be nice if they posted decent information :p
Well, I never. All this time, I've been grimacing at all the cans of "almejas" here in the shops, calling them "sea bugs" - not knowing that they are kitty-food: clams. :-)
Do you have a dog variation of this recipe? Ideally we would like to make something like this for both cats and the dog together, adding taurine and chopping into smaller bits for the cats. Suggestions?
Is this all you feed your cats, or do you supplement with other stuff?
Looks like a really good recipe. We will have to try a small batch first.
RT&K Mom
I reserved both books (cat & dog) from the library. Your cat food recipe is the best I've seen so far, so I bet they have something good for dogs too. As luck would have it, Kroger has chicken on sale this week, so I think we'll be doing some cooking this weekend. Right now Kesey is eating Merrick wet and the cats are trying to steal it. He even lets them have a little. They don't really like cat Merrick wet. Go figure. The only wet food I can get them to eat is Sheba, so I am hoping they like home cooking. I am feeding them Solid Gold Katz N Flocken and EVO dry, but homemade kibble seems like a great idea. We certainly can't do any worse than the pet companies have.
Thanks for your help.
RT&K Mom
Wow! Does that recipe ever sound YUM-O! Being a lonely, only inside cat, I've gotten broad in the behind and my people are talking "diet." Ugh! If they use your recipe, I might survive it. Meowy Thanks!
Thanks soo much fir the yummy recipe! Since I was a kitten I've been eating organic dry-food, but lately I haven't been feeling very well, so my family decided to prepare special meals for me! :)
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