I'm Ivan, Information Technology Director at ArtsyCatsy. Our CEO, Rocky, has been in a hissyfit since he was left to clean up the cat clutter after the office New Year’s Eve party. (Oscar, our Housekeeping/MaintenanceManx, got crocked on catnip and is still recovering.) So the CEO has delegated to me the task of premiering another of our human artists.
However, communicating in actual words is difficult for me, since I'm fluent only in KittyGeekSpeak. My lengthy tongue wraps itself most proficiently around acronyms ... I meow in MIME, hiss in HTML, purr in PNG, growl in GIF and hack up hairballs in HACMP. But this particular ArtsyCatsy artist, Suzanne, is my own personal human, so I’ll give it my best then I have to get back to eating the bugs in our system.
Suzanne is not only a TCPA (Talented Cat Portrait Artist), she also has the distinction of being an HPM (Highly Publicized Muralist.) Since it speaks for itself, I’ve uploaded some of her work:

And here is a portrait by Suzanne of ArtsyCatsy's own Director of Corporate Espionage, Bitsy, with her significant othercat, Ugly:

Suzanne also illustrates cat greeting cards and creates cat-themed gifts such as cat beds made from giant gourds, punched tin household décor items … even toilet tissue holders featuring, of course, cats. You’ll see it all soon at the grand opening of ArtsyCatsy.com ... so G2G (Got to Go) now and clear my cat cache.
I looooooooove your site! I am a repurter for the cat blogosphere (I sent you an email about blogger problems and we're going to get your news up ASAP) and I had to come check this out. How fun!
Wow, Rocky, you are a great boss to have such a great party and even to help clean up. Poor Manx. I've been there buddy.
Your beans are awfully talented! I'm a former feral myself, it is amazing, and sad (for the still ferals) how many of us are out there.
By the way, we have lotsa days we celebrate on the kitty blogosphere and one is Formerly Feral Friday. I'm missed posting for many special days because my mommy has been sick, but we just tell our stories. We also have Tabby, Tortie, Toesie, Tummy Tuesdays (so lotsa kitties can participate), Wordless Weds, etc.
Stop and visit my blog sometime! I can't wait to see your business grow!
(just in case blogger goes weird, I'm leaving my site address www.mrhendrixthekitty.blogspot.com )
Nice to meet ya all! We sent the news to the Cat Blogosphere and we posted and introduction of your bloggie for this Friday!
Come back and visit soon!
Happy Friday to all of you! We just found out about your blog from Kimo & Sabi and had to come visit. We'll be back to check on your business venture!
China Cat & Willow
Hi there! I am very happy to meet ya! I added a linky to your site, and I will be sure to check in often.
I am very glad to meet you. Your store looks like it will be very interesting.
purrrrrr! what lovely things you've got going on here. we heard about you at Kimo & Sabi's blog and came right over. we'll put up a link to you on our blog and we'll be back to say hi every day (we're a little obsessed with the blogs)
We herd bowt yoo furrom Kimo an Sabi. We like the stuff yoo got heer. We'll be back again to see how fings are going.
You are highly talented. Let me know if you have a squidoo lense on your company and we can add it to the cat bloggers group over there. I am just adding your blog into the our squidoo cat bloggers lense.
wow fanks for the info one my new years reloutions was to make new freinds so i luff to put your link on our blog i going to add it to my weekend report right away!!! we luff the cat prortre mama was looking for someone to do portrties of us she get are picuter profinal done but would luff to have a portrite of the 3 of us
Mu shue Lilly Lu and Iris
Hi, everyone... we added your link to our blog this morning. Sometimes we have to make Mom do it as soon as we get or she never gets around to it. Best of luck with the new business.
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