"Callie, take a memo: All employees will get back to business, stop this Tuesday tails & toes & trivial nonsense and focus on the bottom line. Fracas, keep promoting your Cat Portrait Sale. Sharolyn, get your cat greeting cards printed. And Callie, make me an appointment with the V.E.T. ... there seems to be a tiny tail growing out of my head."

The Catankerous Catministrative Assistant says:
"Rocky, get off my tail and take your own #!*! memo. My toes are bigger than my head. My toes have claws. My toes will pull that tiny tail right out of your head."
Oscar the Maintenance Manx says:

haha the boss man has a tiny tail growing out of his head, heheh!
I love your blog. We have three cats of our own. The one can be a handful, her name is Angel but she is so far from it. She is the type you can't even pet her only on her terms and that is very far and few in between. But still I try everyday to end up with battle scars to prove it.
Love the tiny tail. Ha, ha.
Hahaha. Dat's a kyoot tale yoo got growing out of yer hed. If yoo get anuvver one it will look like horns, an then yoo will look like a devil.
You guys are funny!
Fanks fur stoppin' by! We's sorry that we hafn't gotten back to y'all sooner. Momma's inbox is kinda messy.
~Meeko, Kiara, & Emmy
Oh Oscar! Maybe one of the artsy beans can make you a tail!
we love you guys (and girls) - you're hysterical!
Wooohoooo HI Oscar!!! Woowee yu look a lot like me. It's nice to meet anutter Manxie, especially a tuxie manxie!! Yur furry handsome!
Yup, I saw Oscar an thought, "He looks like Abby!" Fanks fur the good laffs! Yur all good cats, huh, cept Rocky seems a little, um, bossy.
That's a funny tail you've got growing out of your head, Rocky. It looks like you've got a little rebellion in the ranks.
....I must say....your cats have some EXTRAORDINARY FB's........
Awww, Rocky looks like my Tuxedo kitten Bubbles
Ms Callie, Champion CatWhacker, if Mom had any idea how to encurage Bonnie to be nice, she'd tell. I fink Bonnie shares yur title cuz efurry time I say hello, she whacks me. I just wanna play, but she hisses an runs, so I chase, an when I catch her, the growlin an whackin begins. Sigh. She's nice enuf in the food room when Mom's gettin us treats, as long as I don't get too close.
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